American Political Timeline

Trump Refers to His Critics as Vermin

Over the last two weeks and at rallies this weekend, we heard from Trump telling his followers he will be a Dictator for at least one day! In an interview with Sean Hannity, he quantified that he was referring to building a wall at the southern border and drilling for oil. Trump went on to refer to his critics as “vermin!” I’m surprised that the Republicans didn’t start crowing about the degrading terminology as when Hillary Clinton referred to Trump supporters as “deplorables!” Trump has also used the demeaning term “lowlifes” for the same critics or for anyone else who stands in his crossfire. Really, what is the difference between deplorable = vermin = lowlife that got Republicans so upset in 2016? Trump, in his Fox Channel interview with Hannity, continued to espouse retribution on the same people he refers to as vermin once re-elected to exact revenge on them. He was placing people in jail or executing them. Abolishing or restructuring our country’s law enforcement agencies we trust and have come to rely upon for our safety. Even benign agencies like the Department of Education are gone under a Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, and Nikki Haley administration! Do you get what will happen with these Republican candidates and, worst, if Trump makes it to the highest office in the land if voted in?


  • It seems that we have been synthesized to Trump’s volatile rhetoric! Has he single-handedly beaten down “Democracy” as we have come to know it.


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