American Political Timeline

Israel Military and Political Structure Knew of the Hamas Battle Plan Execution

The New York Times is reporting their reporters having uncovered a shocking report in which Hamas had prepared a 40-page report over a year ago on conducting the same type of terrorist attack carried out on Oct 7, 2023. The report had been disseminated amongst Israeli intelligence and other agencies but never taken seriously because of the ambitious strategy Hamas planned. It is unclear whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had seen the battle plan.


You have to think that somewhere in the bowels of the IDF and political apparatus someone did not have sense enough to bring it to the attention of Netanyahu. Reminds me of President Reagan and the Iran Contra debacle where Ollie North was ultimately found responsible for selling arms purchased from Iran to the Nicaraguan contras in Central America. Ollie North was a Marine Lieutenant Colonel with that much authority seems improbable. In this case, the Netanyahu administration was too busy trying to take over the Israeli Supreme Court which might ultimately hear a criminal case against him on embezzlement and other related charges. Perhaps the report intentionally falling on death ears was the strategy to distract the many protests where thousands of Israeli citizens and military were steadfastly rejecting his move to take control of the Supreme Court.


In my opinion, this is indicative of an intelligence failure of such a great magnitude where some 1400 Israelis were murdered, dismembered, set on fire, or taken hostage. There is a probability of the Netanyahu administration intentionally disregarding the intelligence to suit the success of their power move. It will be up to the Israeli population to have him answer to what they have referred to as their 9/11.

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