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Tropical storm Debby has made landfall in Western Florida, bringing with it strong winds and heavy rainfall. While the wind damage is …

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The U.S. narrowly avoided another economic shutdown at the last minute Saturday midnight. The U.S. Senate approved a 45-day extension on the …

Once again, the U.S. likelihood of passing an appropriations budget is quickly dwindling. There are eight days left to pass the 12 …

The American public is headed toward an economic downturn! The UAW is planning to strike against the big three automakers Ford, General …

Hunter Biden has been indicted on 3 gun charge counts! As follows interpreted from the United States District Court for the District …

On 9/11 after reflective ceremonies throughout the country honoring all the victims of one of the most dreadful days in American history …

Senator Romney (R-UT) announced today he will be retiring at the end of his current term which ends in November 2024. He …

The stand-off of confirming military leaders at the highest levels continues to be led by one person – Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), a …

Mexico is on a path to probably having its first female president! Yes, a macho and prideful nation to consider not only …

Today marked a triumph for the United States democratic and judicial systems on those that purport to bring it down. Proud Boys …

Bill Richardson, age 75 was reported to have passed away Friday the 1st of September. His reputation comes to mind as a …

Rudy Guiliani’s activities continue to compromise the once-known “America’s Mayor” into a mountain of shame. Mother Jones, a reputable online and investigative …

Simone Biles has made gymnastics Gold once again. She coveted her eighth U.S. Gymnastics Championship with an awesome showing of skill, strength, …

Horses Ass

“Horses Ass” 

The humorous idea came while I was listening to something totally stupid regarding Trump’s excuse for having classified documents and withholding them from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). So, I am dedicating the “Horses Ass” photo to an out-of-the-way ridiculous comment or action made by whomever during the week. The Horses Ass signifies the ridiculousness and absurdity used primarily by our legislators and leaders. They may be local or national and from any profession but specifically those working in politics.