American Political Timeline

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Why American Political Timeline

Why Political Foray 2023 n Me? The site’s objective is to provide an honest and objective point of view(s) on several topics that include politics, education, legislative decisions, state government, and International affairs. These topics have the potential of affecting our daily lives and livelihoods. The concern should not be whether you are a Republican, Independent, or Democrat but how legislative decisions derived by our representatives and leaders reflect partisan politics. Those decisions can be significantly different than the majority of their constituents and the United States’ interests.


Comments and research will be conducted by the author and contributors. This will enable truly factual information gathered from a variety of online sources as well as news media and printed copy wherever possible.  Political Foray 2023 N Me will then formulate opinions balanced against the misinformation that dominates today’s news. Online participants are asked to participate or post their thoughtful feedback regarding these topics for a balanced discussion. 


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Tonight is another historic night in America, with the upcoming Presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. …

Tim Walz, who served as the Governor of Minnesota, has been chosen as the Vice-Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party in the …

Tropical storm Debby has made landfall in Western Florida, bringing with it strong winds and heavy rainfall. While the wind damage is …

The United States has had a commendable performance in the Olympics, accumulating a total of 19 Gold medals, 26 Silver medals, and …

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Author and Contributor

I had a career in the US Army as an Intelligence Chief Warrant Officer. My background specialties included communications, research analysis, and language skills. As a career officer and devotion to duty certainly broadened my perspectives and appreciation for our country’s values, freedoms, and opportunities. Hence, the burning desire to bring the facts and what I hope to be an enlightening political perspective to my site’s guests.


It is truly heartening to see our country in such a divisive state. All because of what can be characterized as selfish and self-absorbed leadership.  The political environment constantly sways and impacts our government and society. We go through economic booms, depressions, and social discontent.


It is during periods of conflict that Americans excel in their resolve. Demonstrating a unified voice and the ability to rise above our threats. Recent history demonstrates a weakness if not cracking in this resolve. Could this be based on our leader’s lack of leadership skills where the value of teamwork, responsibility, discipline, and accountability are foremost? American leaders throughout history had a military background and for the most part, were willing to work out political issues or make corrections as necessary. The majority of our representatives in government are more interested in partisan politics and monetary agendas associated with courting lobbyists rather than fulfilling their constituents’ needs. As Americans, we value our rights, freedoms, and pursuit of happiness. The ability to have the freedom to make individual decisions within social norms is an extremely invaluable right. These freedoms long established under the Consitution are getting to be empty words. Politicians constantly misinterpret Constitutional Freedoms to suit their own needs for greed and power.


Pockets of discontent are caustic to the continuance of these same values for all Americans. Foreign adversaries are just waiting to take advantage of this discontent. The January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol and the chant of the crowd to “Hang Mike Pence” our Vice President, and threat to Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House was no joke! Our adversaries wait and continuously adjust plans to further discontent and the next insurrection.  These same adversaries have been influencing social media at all levels, promoting a steady rise in supporting internal and external terrorist activities on American soil only to be stopped by the FBI and other federal authorities.  To LIMIT if not abolish some 250 years of freedoms where thousands of lives have been sacrificed through civil war, conflicts, and economic challenges is not reassuring or guaranteed. The truth has been twisted to misinform the ill-informed. A guiding light needs to be held by any citizen that values equality, rights, and freedom. As Americans, we need to surely strive to be better citizens so that we can have the freedoms to independently choose our destinies.

Manny Rocman